The Enigma of Spiritual Covering”: A Father-Son Relationship
St. Michaels University


Welcome to the home page of The Ancient Church Global. We thank you for visiting our web site.

We are a 1st century denomination of Ancient Catholicism, better known as Orthodox Catholics, that was recovered by the 12th century Knights Templar from the Temple of Solomon.

Based upon international law recognizing us as the source of the Old Catholic Movement, the sovereignty of the Ancient Catholic Church was restored in 1129 A.D. and again in the 21st Century. God has Graced ACG to establish the Melchizedek line of Priests in the Americas according to Isaiah 60:17 which says ”…I will also make thy Bishop’s peace, and thine Deacon’s righteousness.” We are those who stand in the counsel of God, and sit as the Presbyters of heaven in Christ Jesus along with Holy Angelic Host.

May the Grace and Peace of the Lord be with you and your family, always.

The unworthy,

Vernon Mar-Enoch Huffman.
Supreme Pontiff, Holy See, Restoration Life Worship Center, Newark New Jersey.